Part 3
Welcome! Willkommen! Morsning!
I know you all been waiting like crazy ! its time for the third part of the well known series of Swedish for beginners!
Onda flicka! nu får du bita i det sura äpplet !
Bad girl! Now you will have to bite in the cranky apple!
Nu hoppade du i galen tunna.
Now you jumped into the crazy barrel.
Top tunnor rasande!
On top of barrels furious!
Jag är en jävel på kärlek!!!
Im a devil with love!!!
Thats all for tonight honey ;) and may the fuckin force be with you ! (not the fucking-force..the usual force :S.. like in starwars but cooler.)
/Professor Gustav
Welcome! Willkommen! Morsning!
I know you all been waiting like crazy ! its time for the third part of the well known series of Swedish for beginners!
Onda flicka! nu får du bita i det sura äpplet !
Bad girl! Now you will have to bite in the cranky apple!
Nu hoppade du i galen tunna.
Now you jumped into the crazy barrel.
Top tunnor rasande!
On top of barrels furious!
Jag är en jävel på kärlek!!!
Im a devil with love!!!
Thats all for tonight honey ;) and may the fuckin force be with you ! (not the fucking-force..the usual force :S.. like in starwars but cooler.)
/Professor Gustav
Postat av: E
Hur hade jag klarat mig utan era lektioner? Hade ju vart sämst på svenska, det är en sak som är säker.