Då var det dags ! Then it was days!

Part 2

Welcome! Willkommen! Tjofräs!
Time for part 2 in the series of swedish for beginners!
I hope you've all been working on your swedish.

Lets get going:

-Alla barnen tittade in i ugnen utom Rut hon tittade ut!
-All the children was looking into the oven exept Rut cause she was inside the oven :(

-Fy bubblan! Vi har slut på knäckebröd!
-Bad bubble! We are all out of break-it-bread!

-Som man bäddar får man ligga.
-The way you make your bed allows you to lay down.

-Friskt vågat, hälften vunnet!
-Healthy waves, half is done!

That was all for this session.
I hope you learned alot and may the force be with you studentone!

/Professor Gustav


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